Everything altogether.

Okay so see that zebra bag. It was on clearance in 5-7-9. For $3.00!!! I couldn't resist buying it even though I'm trying to stay away from animal print. Oh and thanks to Rai I got my free Victoria's Secret bag. I love it. I already had two before I got this one. Maybe I'll start a collection.

Wet Seal was having a 5 for $20.00 sale so me and my BFF decided to split it and she let me get three. They're hooded. The colors are pink, yellow, and purple. Oh and that little bottle on top of the yellow and pink shirt is UDPP (urban decay primer potion). Yayyyy

Ahh a plain black purse. I have been dying to get a plain black purse for so long and I could never find a decent one with enough pockets and enough space. I finally found it and it was only $17.00 in Easy Pickins.

I had so much fun with my best friend but seriously, I'm exhausted. We went to so many different malls trying to find the perfect dress for her because she's going to formal. Other than shopping we went to have dinner in Houlihans and just chilled in her gorgeous apartment.
The passion in this picture is ridiculous

Okay I look gross and pale. I havent been feeling well all week. Give me a break.
Me being silly
I fell in love with Rutgers. Did I make the wrong choice? lol We shopped, talked, laughed, drove. I wanted to stay forever but I'm back home now. Bloggin from my kitchen. I was only gone a night and everyone was falling apart. sigh.
I'm on the hunt for the Betsey Johnson perfume. It smells amazing. I went into Sephore about a month ago and smelled it with my mom and fell in love but decided that my money situation wasn't stable enough to splurged $75.00 on perfume so I passed. I went to find it yesterday in Sephora once again and the lady goes "Um we haven't carried that perfume for six months" OHHH okay Sephora lady, I must be losing my mind because I could've sworn SEPHORA was the place I was in when I was inhaling the testing paper. She had the only attitude and looked at me like I had two heads, I really felt like squirting her in the eye with another perfume but I decided to just walk out. I got home a little while ago and checked the Sephora website and they do in fact carry the perfume, they're even selling it for $30.00, it's just sold out at the moment. Ugh.
My boyfriend was having some serious withdrawal symptoms while I was gone so I'm gonna go see him tomorrow. We both agreed that it's hard sleeping without him hogging the blanket and me talking in my sleep ( don't judge me, it happens when I'm stressed lol)
Other than that my life is pretty much the same, nothing new. I'm enjoying my spring break and I'm eager to find out what my lovely bloggers have been up to?
Fill me in <3
P.S- I wanna get contacts but I'm not sure if they're worth it. Does anyone know around how much I'd pay for some color contacts?
I love your haul!!
ReplyDeleteOooh someone went shopping.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome about the bag. lol
And I want some Primer Potion.
It's on my Wish List.
Try Ebay for the perfume.
yayyy for UDPP!
ReplyDeletelooove the black bag
i keep seeing all these posts of ppls hauls and i don't know what to buyyyy! lol
cute goodies! everytime i wanna shop for myself i always end up buying my kids stuff they dont even need. i neglect myself too much, cant help it tho lol
ReplyDeleteand no that sephora scalywag didnt get all huffy puffy about the perfume! heffer. i got some for xmas and i fuggin LOVE IT!!!! i love it even more cuz i didnt pay for it, jeez i didnt know it was $75 tho?! so now i feel bad lol
ur pics are so cute, glad u enjoyed ur trip! :)
i loooove Easy Pickins. Too bad I have to take the train for a looong time to get to it... maybe one day i'll finally get my driver's license... ehh