I had such a bad week that I decided I needed a weekend to relax so I packed some stuff and went home.
I really needed that weekend to spend with my family and feel better about myself.
While I was home I went to see SlumDog Millionaire with my mother and sister and it was definitely worth it. It was so intense. If you're feeling crappy about your life go watch this movie and you'll def. appreciate it more lol. For anyone who has seen it...did you enjoy it as much as I did?

Another amazing movie I saw in my womens studies class that made me feel like I had to blog about is Maria Full of Grace. Oh my God that movie is so good. I felt like I was sitting on the edge of my seat the entire time. Anyone seen it?

I'm not gonna summarize the movie because I feel like everyone should go out and rent it!!!
My parents also took my sister and I to Red Robin. Aren't they the greatest? I took some camera phone shots for my lovely bloggers.

Their food is soooo good. They have a special seasoning for your fries, they have amazing burgers and the strawberry lemonade = heaven.
Go eat at Red Robin guys, I promise it's worth it. I'm drooling as I type.
Other than going to the movies and spending quality time with my fam I went to forever 21 and got some jeans at an amazin price in Forever 21, I'm mostly amazed because not only were they $14.50 each but they actually fit me. I have the worst luck with jeans. I'm small with big hips so they're always tight on the bottom and baggy as hell at the waist but these jeans, must've been sent from heaven.
In my last post, or post before that I asked you guys what you felt like some wardrobe essentials were and mine are pretty much the same.
I feel like every girl should have
-a pair of rainboots ( I don't know about you but I HATE getting my jeans or socks or any article of clothing wet and being that I live in North Jersey, I deal with a good amount of snow. My rainboots have saved me life numerous times. While all the girls are slipping and sliding around campus in their uggs I am safely strollin around with my rainboots)
-a comfortable pair of sweats for those rainy days or those days you fight with your significant other or just to chill. I have so many pairs for different occasions. I love me some sweat pants.
-leggings go a long way, you can wear them with a big hoodie or a sweater or a tunic shirt. They're comfortable and go great with boots
-my scarves are essential to me. I have one in pretty much every color, they complete almost every outfit.
-last but not least every girl should own something sexy for herself. Whether it be a nice dress, nice heels, or even lingerie you should own one for those days when you're feeling not to hot.
Some of my essentials

Rainboots, scarf, tights. Of course, you don't see any sweats here and thats because...well I told you I had a bad week.

And my Valentines Day gift for the BF. He better start behaving or he wont see the likes of this bad boy any time soon. It looks a little weird but it's because i didn't fully lace up one side of it but it's really cute with some black hooker heels, or pink even.
As far as Valentines Day goes, I honestly don't know what he has planned. I'm not in the mood to celebrate cuz he's been annoying me lately but I know I'll regret it if I make it into a sweatpants day. I'm hoping he remembers what an amazing girlfriend I've been all these years and decides to go all out.
You guys have anything special planned.
Oh and btw
PiinkCupcakes, your makeup is amazing. I'm def. using that pink and black look on V-day and hopefully I'll get my camera and take pics of it for you. You should def do some video tutorials hun, make yourself famous haha.
Don't forget to do your taxes ladies (like anyone could ever forget tax season) I did mine on Friday. I'm barely getting back anything. Sometimes living in New Jersey is wack.
I hope everyone is having an amazing day. I know how rough Mondays can be.