Ok so, I was once a xanga blogger but I realized that everyone ditched xanga and moved onto Myspace and then Facebook. I missed blogging so here I am!
Hmm...where do I start?
I'm 20 years young. I have this crazy fear of life flashing right before my eyes and before I know it I'm an old lady with 12 cats and no recollection of my years. Yes I know, weird. Haha. I'm Puerto Rican and I was born and raised in New Jersey. My parents have been together for 21 years and they're still not married! I have 3 sisters and 2 nephews and some other members that I don't consider to be my "family".
I have an obsession with fashion and makeup and shopping but I love wearing sweats and bummin it at home. Oh man, my animal print obsession is serious, i have pretty much everything in cheetah print, or zebra print or tiger print...any animal print. For Christmas, my boyfriend brought me a zebra print cover for my sidekick lx (and it looks gorgeous) Don't worry though, I'm not an animal skin collector, gross.
I have a pretty distinct style I classify it as Punk Glam. I like to add my own little punk rock flare to everything.
As far as music goes, I love everything. Classical to Metal it doesnt matter. Music plays a gigantic role in my life and I have a soundtrack for everything. My absolute favorite genre is Rock. It runs my soul. I am absolutely positively obsessed with Michael Jackson and Britney Spears. I love them, always have, always will. Hulk Hogan is my all time favorite wrestler. Oh yeah I've been a wrestling fan since birth (literally, my mom gave birth to me while watching wrestling via C-section haha.)
My boyfriend and I have been in love for almost six years! He's my best friend and other half. I love him sooo much! We get into our fights and we have our differences but if we didn't then we probably would not be together anymore. We were voted cutest couple in high school and now we're in college together!
I just got my first tattoo a few days ago. It's on my back and it's a design that my boyfriend made me. I came up with different symbols to represent each member of my family and he merged it into one so it's my very own special version of my family portrait. It was a gift for my family on christmas and believe me, they freaked... in a good way of course.
Hmm...where do I start?
I'm 20 years young. I have this crazy fear of life flashing right before my eyes and before I know it I'm an old lady with 12 cats and no recollection of my years. Yes I know, weird. Haha. I'm Puerto Rican and I was born and raised in New Jersey. My parents have been together for 21 years and they're still not married! I have 3 sisters and 2 nephews and some other members that I don't consider to be my "family".
I have an obsession with fashion and makeup and shopping but I love wearing sweats and bummin it at home. Oh man, my animal print obsession is serious, i have pretty much everything in cheetah print, or zebra print or tiger print...any animal print. For Christmas, my boyfriend brought me a zebra print cover for my sidekick lx (and it looks gorgeous) Don't worry though, I'm not an animal skin collector, gross.
I have a pretty distinct style I classify it as Punk Glam. I like to add my own little punk rock flare to everything.
As far as music goes, I love everything. Classical to Metal it doesnt matter. Music plays a gigantic role in my life and I have a soundtrack for everything. My absolute favorite genre is Rock. It runs my soul. I am absolutely positively obsessed with Michael Jackson and Britney Spears. I love them, always have, always will. Hulk Hogan is my all time favorite wrestler. Oh yeah I've been a wrestling fan since birth (literally, my mom gave birth to me while watching wrestling via C-section haha.)
My boyfriend and I have been in love for almost six years! He's my best friend and other half. I love him sooo much! We get into our fights and we have our differences but if we didn't then we probably would not be together anymore. We were voted cutest couple in high school and now we're in college together!
I just got my first tattoo a few days ago. It's on my back and it's a design that my boyfriend made me. I came up with different symbols to represent each member of my family and he merged it into one so it's my very own special version of my family portrait. It was a gift for my family on christmas and believe me, they freaked... in a good way of course.
I am a hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Twilight Fan! Twilight owns my life. I've read all the books and I've seen the movie about 6 times.
I'm a sophomore at Montclair State University and technically I live on campus. I transferred to MSU after my freshman year from a college whos name will not be released and when I transferred to MSU they placed me in a hotel in a completely different city to live in because all of the dorm rooms were full! I didn't like the idea much at first but now, I love it. I get a full size bed, my own bathroom, room service and soooo much more space than an actual dorm. The hotel has a pool and it's convienently located right by Target (my fav store), Applebees, Barnes and Noble and sooo many other stores. I am in heaven. The hotel is in a different city but the school provides a shuttle bus that runs by the hour to and from the school so it's easy to get to campus and back.
I'm currently a Fashion Major but I may be changing to a Public Relations major and a Fashion Minor. Idk, I am horrible at making decisions for myself sometimes.
I started this blog in hopes of letting all of my random thoughts out. Subscribe and leave me some love.
More of an update later.
Edit: I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! I definitely did. I got so much clothes and my dad brought me the Dr Marten combat boots that I wanted. Yeah, i know they're weird but I love them.

My boyfriend also brought me some amazing gifts like the zebra phone case, mentioned above. My gorgeous scarf with music notes on it, my pink and black zebra purse, pink skinny jeans, the Twilight soundtrack, Nick and Norahs infinite playlist soundtrack, and Britney Spears cd!
Christmas was sooo great, i'm sad that it's over.
Today a few friends and I went to Walmart. I didn't get to shop as much as I wanted since we were on a time limit but I did get this amazing makeup bag for only $11.00! I also brought a pack of highlighters because I'm obsessed with them, Makeup remover and Maybelline XXL mascara since I hear that it is so amazing.
I really should call it a night, or morning since it's 2:24AM in New Jersey.
Leave me some lovin!
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